Joseph Andreatta's Fundraiser

Together we can support the Dup15q Alliance in their mission to provide family support, promote awareness, research and targeted treatments for those affected by Dup15q Syndrome.
Running the Long Beach Marathon for a reason! That reason is Joe and for those like him with Dup15Q!
My how we have grown since fundraiser #1! Since November 2022, I (JoJo's dad Joey) am now on the fundraising and development committee, and thanks to you all we have raised just about $13,000 in 2 fundraising campaigns for the Dup15Q Alliance! Now, with the help of 3 others, we have put a 4 man team together to run the Long Beach Marathon, raise awareness for the Dup15Q syndrome and the wonderful Alliance that has helped us and so many other families, and crush the previous fundraising campaigns I have done! I am asking those of you that can, to donate. Those of you that may not be able to financially participate, please share our campaign and story for others to see! Love you all and thank you for participating and helping make a change for Dup15Q families!
- Joey Andreatta