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Help Advance Research in Dup15q Syndrome

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As part of our mission, Dup15q Alliance seeks to unite families, researchers, and professionals; and promote research, awareness, and empower individuals with dup15q syndrome by advancing breakthrough research and life-changing therapeutic treatments.

Dup15q Alliance formally endorses and funds research and collaborates with researchers interested in chromosome 15q duplications. We work closely with pharmaceutical partners and share up to date research findings as well as our dup15q patient needs. We promote opportunities for Dup15q Alliance families to participate in research studies and clinical trial opportunities.

These funds will support research programs such as our:

  • Research and Fellowship Grants
  • International Science Symposiums
  • LADDER Database
  • Targeted Clinical Trial Supports

Dup15q Alliance funds the LADDER Database platform that links data on individuals with dup15q syndrome collected from multiple sources, such as research studies, registries, caregiver reports, and clinic visits. By linking these sources of information, LADDER can expand research and accelerate the development of interventions and treatments for individuals with dup15q and their families.

Learn More About Research in Dup15q on our website: Current Research Opportunities - Dup15Q Alliance