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Support the Dup15q Alliance Family Conference

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Dup15q Alliance International Family Conferences are held every other year to provide families with an opportunity to meet and learn. We connect families and professionals, from the US and internationally, to provide pertinent information regarding Dup15q Syndrome advances and treatments. Tailored to benefit the entire family, our conferences include scientific, genetic and clinical discussions, respite care, sibling sessions and group activities.

Sessions will be held on the latest research, treatment and therapies with views from clinicians, providers and parents. Break-out sessions have also been organized for Moms and Dads that offer a wonderful opportunity to gather with other parents and share the challenges, fears, hopes and successes of parenting a child with Dup15q.

These honest exchanges bring both tears and laughter, and most of all, the healing of knowing that you are not alone.

Leveraging one of the best research data collection opportunities we have with our strong patient community, Dup15q Alliance is proud to offer research opportunities at our 2023 Dup15q Alliance International Family Conference which occurs biennially and is the largest dup15q syndrome-specific conference in the world with over 300 in-person attendees.