Julie Murphy's Fundraiser

Kaitlyn and I are walking to raise awareness and funds for Dup15q Alliance. Getting the word out about dup15q syndrome is a key piece of the Alliance’s mission.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
For the last few months I’ve learned so much about Dup15q, the kids and families impacted this rare disease, and a tiny bit of what their lives look like. In spite of the hardships and complexities they face these families are smiling and resilient and loving and passionate. They make me feel grateful and humble and inspired to do more. Now I want to inspire you to do more as well.
Dup15q Syndrome is characterized by having an extra copy of a portion of chromosome 15 in the 11.2 – 13.1 region in combination with a number of symptoms that may include hypotonia and motor delays, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and epilepsy, including infantile spasms. Funds we raise will go to Dup15q Alliance, who empowers individuals living with dup15q syndrome and other related rare diseases to reach their full potential by advancing breakthrough research and life-changing therapeutic treatments, supporting families affected by dup15q, and promoting advocacy. Please consider making a donation to help further our mission.
For more information about Dup15q Alliance, and how it supports affected families, visit www.Dup15q.org