Adrienne Paradis

Adrienne Paradis's Fundraiser

Dup15q Believe Walk Denver image

Dup15q Believe Walk Denver


We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,325 towards $2,000

Click Here To Register for the 2022 Denver Believe Walk

Dup15q Believe Walk Denver 2022

Clement Park, Littleton, CO

September 18th, 2022 - 9:00am

This is my son Aidan, who was diagnosed with Dup15q syndrome at 9 months old when he wasn't meeting developmental milestones. This is a rare genetic syndrome, but with more genetic testing, more children are diagnosed every day.

Aidan's primary diagnosis is Dup15q syndrome, but has received many other secondary diagnoses as a result: autism, epilepsy, cognitive impairment, apraxia, sensory processing disorder, cortical visual impairment and hypotonia are just a few. Visit for more information!

All funds raised will go to Dup15q Alliance who provides family support and promotes awareness, research and targeted treatments for those affected by dup15q syndrome.

By raising awareness, we can also help other families who may still be searching for answers.

So come dressed in blue (our signature color) and know that you are part of something bigger!

If you can't make the walk, please consider a donation to the Dup15q Alliance.