Adam Evaristo's Fundraiser

I am Running for a Reason! Together we can support the Dup15q Alliance
Support me in making each step count and help make a difference, please give today.
I wanted to do something good and make the world a better place. When I found out that Dup15q syndrome is a rare genetic disorder with symptoms including global developmental delays, autism and seizures, I knew I had to help.
My daughter, Lauren was born with Dup15q so this means a lot to me and our family. Getting the word out about Dup15q syndrome is a key piece of the Alliance's mission.
Their fundraising mission is simple: encourage personal philanthropy that helps underwrite research, potential treatments, and a variety of support opportunities for Lauren and others with Dup15q.
Giving online is easy and fast, and your support will make a real difference. I appreciate your help!
*Note: Don't forget to take advantage of employer matching.