Emily Field's Fundraiser

I am running 26.2 miles over the course of 3 days! All money raised will be donated in honor of Addie.
Will you join me (virtually) and log your miles for Addie?
Hi Friends and Family,
2020 has been quite a year! I am definitely NOT in marathon shape, but I will be out there at the end of October logging 26.2 miles in honor of Addie. My goal is to run a marathon over 3 days in hopes of gathering friends and family (both near and far) to get outside and run together. Running has been my form of self-care and therapy over the last 7 months (thank you sisters). Without running, I would not be able to handle the daily challenges of motherhood.
2020 has been a year of virtual races, socially distant gatherings, running to keep my mind and body healthy, and a time to reflect on what is truly important in life. I am so thankful for Addie's Army, our community of people all over the world who love her and have been there for us throughout the good times and the bad. Addie's Army is family to us and we thank you for your continued support.
Will you join me in person or virtually on October 30 - November 1 and log your miles for Addie and others affected by Dup15q? Unable to run, but still want to support a good cause? Feel free to stop by our house for a kick ass lemonade stand hosted by Dylan Field. We realize that not everyone is able to donate at this time and that is ok. Get outside and enjoy that fresh fall air together with your family and send us a picture. Addie loves pictures and it will bring a smile to her face knowing that so many people are cheering her on!
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for the DUP15Q ALLIANCE